praisehailsatan: dude. your ass is broken
brokebuttmountain: i know dude
praisehailsatan: wtf
brokebuttmountain: trust me
brokebuttmountain: i know
praisehailsatan: maybe you shouild quit with the sticking basketballs pu there.
praisehailsatan: up
brokebuttmountain: maybe i should stick basketballs up you ass
brokebuttmountain: your
praisehailsatan: maybe I should be so lucky
brokebuttmountain: heh
brokebuttmountain: it is well known that i do not move my bowels enough
brokebuttmountain: widely known
brokebuttmountain: all over the country
praisehailsatan: actually I had no idea. but now I know.
brokebuttmountain: oh well ya
brokebuttmountain: so now i have complications
brokebuttmountain: asshole surgery
praisehailsatan: jeez
brokebuttmountain: ya i can't wait
praisehailsatan: well it will fix things. right
praisehailsatan: with any luck
brokebuttmountain: doc say i won't lose much muscle so i should still have control
brokebuttmountain: very fucking comforting
praisehailsatan: SOME control
brokebuttmountain: i am 857,374,000,487,340 years old
praisehailsatan: we'll you're doing pretty good for being that old
brokebuttmountain: no he thinks i'll be fine apparently it is very routine
brokebuttmountain: for an 857,374,000,487,340 year old woman
praisehailsatan: heh
praisehailsatan: well its good that you;re taking care of your ass.
praisehailsatan: something you want want to lose
brokebuttmountain: true dat
praisehailsatan: you'll be sorry when its gone, sort of thing
brokebuttmountain: ya you never notice how much you use it kind of thing